John Jay Boosters Information

Show your support of the John Jay Athletics program by joining as a member or renewing your membership in the John Jay Boosters Club for the 2024-25 school year!

We receive support from across all grades in the Katonah-Lewisboro School District, from alumni, from teachers & staff, and from community members. 

The John Jay Boosters Club was formed in 1981 to support the Katonah-Lewisboro School District's athletic programs and students. We are a public charity under the IRS code 501(c)(3).

The Boosters focus their efforts on raising money through membershipssponsorships, and donations -- and spending it on the broadest array of programs possible.

We provide a structure to support all teams and encourage 100% participation from all team members and their families. The overall boosters club tries to focus on projects that will benefit the widest population of students. 

We also have team accounts with dedicated team treasurers drawn from our fantastic team parents who manage team-focused fundraising to support their specific needs and activities.

Having these team accounts allows the team the flexibility of managing their own unique financial needs and fundraising. At the same time, they are operating under the John Jay Booster Club organization for accounting and tax preparation -- so individual teams don't have to do this. We provide an overall organization so individual teams don't have to file non-profit tax returns and do compliance paperwork. 

Some of what we do includes:

In addition, the Boosters Club undertakes projects that have a lasting impact on the students in the K-L school district. Some of these projects have included:

We need your support to support our athletes!

Let us know if you have any questions: email

See you on the fields, on the courts, in the gyms, in the pools, in the lanes, on the tracks & trails, on the ice, and on the snow!

-The John Jay Boosters Club Board

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We Thank Our Members:
  • the DiCesare family...
  • The Figaro Family...
  • The Sanz Family...
  • the Lindsey family...
  • The Ellrodt family...
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