Mission & Bylaws

The John Jay Boosters Club would like to welcome everyone to the 2023-2024 athletic season.
The John Jay Boosters Club was formed in 1981 to support the Katonah-Lewisboro School District's athletic programs and students. We are a public charity under the IRS code 501(c)(3). The Boosters focus their efforts on raising money through memberships, sponsorships, and donations. We support all teams and encourage 100% participation from all team members and their families. We focus on projects that will benefit the widest population of students. We also maintain team accounts with team treasurers that manage focused team-related fundraising and activities. Having these team accounts allows us flexibility to operate under one organization for accounting and tax preparation so individual teams don't have to to this.
Now that the school year and varsity sports are underway, it is time to begin the Boosters membership drive.  There are several levels of membership options you can select. See the membership link at the top of the page.


John Jay Boosters Club, Inc.

1.The name of the organization shall be the John Jay Boosters Club, Inc. (The or the Club).
1.This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as defined in Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The purposes of The Club include raising funds and purchasing personal property and services to be used by students and faculty in the Katonah- Lewisboro Union Free School District, providing volunteers for education and extra-curricular activities, engaging in other charitable, civic or education activities that will contribute to the public education of the community. The primary focus of The Club is to provide for the advancement of the John Jay High School and John Jay Middle School physical education and athletic programs and to encourage the participants in competition and events.  The Club will also encourage sportsmanship, social participation and etiquette among participants, members and families. 
2.This Corporation shall be self-governing, self-supporting, non-commercial, non-sectarian, nonprofit and nonpartisan in accordance with New York State law.
3.No part of the net earnings of the corporation insure to the benefit of any member, trustee, officer of the corporation, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the Corporation affecting one or more of its purposes). No director, officer or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on the dissolution of the Corporation or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation will not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
4.Upon dissolution of this organization, all debts and obligations will be paid off and remaining assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

1. The Club’s principal address shall be located in the Katonah-Lewisboro School district. A post office box will be provided in Cross River, New York 10518.

2. All Club meetings may be held at such places within the school district as designated by school district administration and club officers. 

1. Membership in the Club is open to any person who is a parent, guardian, or adult relative of a child or children who participate in the Katonah – Lewisboro Union Free School District, and who will uphold the policies of this organization and agree to its Bylaws. A maximum of one vote per membership shall be granted to each family unit for any votes taken by the Club for any purpose, regardless of the number of Club members in any immediate family.

2. Eligible persons shall become members by paying the prescribed membership dues per family per school year. Upon payment of such dues, a member shall be considered in good standing and be entitled to any and all rights and privileges of membership.

3. An annual membership drive shall be conducted as early in the school year as possible, with additional members accepted at any time with a full year membership payment. Membership payments are not pro-rated.

4. Membership is also open to the general public who pay membership dues. Subject to the provision of paragraph 1 above, limiting voting membership to one per family.

5. Lifetime membership is also offered to person(s) who are eligible as described here and who pay the prescribed lifetime membership dues.

6. Lifetime membership is defined by the longest lifetime of one or both the parents of the family unit at of the time of payment. The family unit is determined by the nature of the family at time of registration.

7. Lifetime membership does not cover the children of the family once they reach the age of 21. At such time the children may become members on their own

1.The Club will operate a fiscal year from the 1st day of September to the 31st of August. 
1. Nominations for new Officers/ Board Members will be made by at least 2 members at least one month prior to the June annual meeting with elections conducted at the June annual meeting.
2. Any member in good standing is eligible to serve as an Office/Board Member.
3 .Election of new Officers/ Board Members shall be by a simple majority of votes cast by those members present at the June annual meeting.  The Secretary will administer the election and record the number of votes in the minutes. 
4. Any and all of the Officers/ Board Members may be removed for cause by majority vote of the members.
5. All terms are two years in duration.
6. Any Office/Board Member may be re-elected.

1. The President shall preside and lead meetings of the Officers/Board Members and the general members, shall serve as general manager, and communicate between school administration, directors, or coaches.  The President may create committees, as he/she deems necessary and appoint a chairperson for each committee. The President shall see that all books, records, and certificates required by law are properly kept and filed, b) present annual a report of the accomplishments of the Club, c) ensure an annual membership drive is conducted.

2. The 1st Vice President/2nd Vice President shall assist the President and act as President in their absence. The 1st Vice President shall become acting President with all rights, privileges and powers of the President in the event of the President’s’ absence or his/her failure to exercise his/her office.

3. The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of all meetings of the board of directors/executive board and the general membership, be responsible for communications and correspondence of the club, serve notice of general meetings and have custody of and maintain all permanent records of club affairs other than those entrusted to the Treasurer.  The Secretary shall also preside over annual elections of Officers/ Board Members, b) keep a record of meeting attendance, c) be responsible for mailing a copy of the last months minutes to the Board Members least five (5) days prior to the next meeting and d) present to the membership at meetings any communications addressed to him/her or any other Officers/Board Members of the organization.

4. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the club and disburse authorized funds upon proper authorization, write, sign and issue checks, maintain bank accounts, and prepare and present financial reports at each general meeting. The Treasurer shall oversee the transition of all appropriate records by the incoming Treasurer b) arrange for all bills or the organization to be mailed to or received c) keep and file any certificates required by any statue, federal or state, d) schedule financial audit of The Club’s records as deemed necessary.

5. No Officer/Board Member shall be, solely by reason of his/her office, entitled to receive any salary or compensation.

6. All Officers by virtue of their office shall be members of the Board of Directors.

7. The Board, with the recommendation of the President, shall fill vacancies of offices of unexpired terms.

8. The Board may appoint standing and ad hoc committees as needed.

9. The Board and its officers shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of the corporation.

10. The Board and its officers of the corporation shall be indemnified by the corporation to the fullest extent permissible under the laws of this state for actions undertaken by those officers and Board Members in furtherance of their duties for the Club.

11. Except as may be otherwise prohibited by law, the board and its officers may resolve to authorize purchase, maintenance and renewal of insurance protecting directors, officers, employees and/or authorized agents of the Club, acting within the scope of their duties to the club; and may purchase renew and maintain such insurance as they see fit to protect said officers, directors, and agents from liability in tort or arising from judgments made by said officers, directors and agents in the management of the Club and its authorized activities. Such insurance shall be for the protection of directors, officers and agents without regard to weather or not said directors, officers and agents would otherwise be entitled to indemnity and/or protection by the Club itself, pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation, these By Laws or other provisions of law.


1. General membership meetings of the Club shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month during the academic school year at 7:00 PM. Notice of these regular meetings will be made by publishing the schedule in the school district calendar and Booster Club web site.

2. A quorum of at least seven (7) shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Club at any general membership meeting.  If a quorum is present, voting at these meetings will be open to all active members in good standing.  The majority that is more than half the votes cast, will determine the results of the voting.

3. The President shall prepare and circulate an agenda prior to each meeting and follow such agenda. No action on an item not previously noted on the agenda shall be taken without the consent of the majority of the Club members present.

4. The order of the business at any regular meeting shall be: Call to Order, Taking Attendance, and Approval of minutes for the last meeting, President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Athletic Director Report, Reports of Standing Committees, Reports of Special committees, Old Business, New Business, and Adjournment.

5. The Annual Business Meeting will take place at the regularly scheduled June General Membership Meeting. A pending slate of Officers shall be published on the Booster Club web site. The meeting shall include a report on the activities of the club, a treasurer’s report and the election of the officers for the coming year. Committees will be assigned and chairpersons selected for the upcoming school year. All adult members in good standing present are eligible to vote with each family receiving one vote. A majority of the votes will determine results.

6. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon request of members.  Written, electronic, or telephone notice of the time, place, and purpose of such special meetings shall be given no later than three days prior to the scheduled meeting. No other business but that specified in the notice may be transacted at the meeting.

7. The President may call special Executive Board/Board of Directors meetings or by a majority vote of the Board, or by a signed petition of 10% of active membership.  A quorum of at least four (4) Board members shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Club.

8. All meetings shall be governed by parliamentary procedures. All votes shall be by voice have been properly moved, seconded, and discussed prior to the vote.

9. No voting by proxy will be allowed.


1. An annual budget shall be prepared by the Officers/ Board Members and presented for approval to the members no later than the general meeting in October.

2. The President shall be authorized to direct the Treasurer to issue checks consistent with the budget, which do not exceed $500.  Amounts in excess of $500.00 shall be approved by a majority of the members present at the vote.

3. Requests for funds or purchases shall be submitted in writing to The Club.  The Treasurer shall issue and retain forms for requisition.

4. No check shall be disbursed unless the Treasurer receives a signed request form along with an invoice, purchase order or receipt from the vendor or person requesting the check. 

5. All revenues of The Club will be used strictly to further the purpose of The Club in a manner consistent with an adopted budget or the expressed wishes of the voting membership. 

6. In the absence of general membership meetings outside of the academic school year the Board may review requests for funds and be authorized to approve requests that are consistent with the purpose of The Club.

1. Committees shall be formed for the next school year at the close of the June Annual Meeting.  Committees will be announced at the June annual meeting and or formed at any time. The Chairperson of each Committee shall report to the Board regarding their functional area at each meeting. 
1.Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the Club meetings.
1.Any member of the board who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the Board, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, will offer to the Board to voluntarily excuse him/herself and will vacate his/her seat and abstain from discussion and voting on said item.
1.The by-laws may be adopted, amended or repealed by the Officer/Board of Directors at a meeting provided a quorum is present and a copy of the proposed amendments are provided to each Board member at least one week prior to said meeting.  The secretary must announce a notice of such at least one week prior to the actual vote. 
2.Every three years the bylaws shall be reviewed by the Officers/Board Members and a report of its findings shall be presented at a regular general meeting.
I certify that I am the duly elected and acting secretary of the John Jay Boosters Club, Inc. and these Bylaws constitute the Corporation’s Bylaws. The Bylaws were duly adopted at the John Jay Booster Club meeting on __November  3, 2010____________________________.
Dated: November 4, 2010_________
I certify that I am the duly elected and acting secretary of the John Jay Boosters Club, Inc. and these Bylaws were amended by the Board of Directors on July 6, 2011 to include lifetime membership found in Membership Section IV.
            Karen E. Jahn
Secretary of the Corporation
John Jay Boosters Club, Inc.

 I certify that I am the duly elected and acting secretary of the John Jay Boosters Club, Inc. and these Bylaws were amended by the Board of Directors on December 4, 2013.   
            Karen E. Jahn
Secretary of the Corporation
John Jay Boosters Club, Inc. 

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SCC Flag Football
Fletch's Bagels
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We Thank Our Members:
  • the Martin family...
  • the Samuelson family...
  • the Keenan family...
  • the Lindsey family...
  • The Aniello Family...
  • the Palacio family...
  • the Wierl family...
  • the Van Vranken family...
  • The Ellrodt family...
  • The Green family...
  • the Degl family...
  • the Doherty family...
  • the Blank family...
  • The Yustman Family...
  • The Panzirer Family...
  • the Dorta family...
  • the Shaw family...
  • the Rosenberg family...
  • Hall family...
  • The Dachik family...
  • The Sanz Family...
  • Kurlanzik family...
  • Lizzie & David Cooper...
  • the Goldstein family...
  • The Bourla family...
  • the DiCesare family...
  • The Fein Family...
  • The Corelli Family...
  • The Figaro Family...
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